Welcome to Emmaus!
Time to Celebrate Sunday School
March 2nd at 10:45 AM
Do you know Him?
The more we know what His word, the Bible, says, the more w2e know Christ. After all, He is the author and finisher of our faith. Without Him there is no point in being and we learn of Him through His word.
Are you looking for direction, hope, comfort or community? We find all these things in Him and we, again, find Him in His word.
Join us for a Sunday School Emphasis day on March 2nd at 10:45 AM. I am hoping for an amazing turnout. More than anything, I am hoping we can ll find a new passion for Him in the process.
Pastor Jim
We try to be safe. If a mask makes you more comfortable you are welcome to wear one, we have them available at the door. Just know you are free and that God is still in control. Be aware of other's concerns and pray for one another.
Looking forward to seeing everyone.
We are continuing to grow and God is blessing us beyond measure. We have a lot going on over the next couple of months so keep an eye on the calendar.
Please check in often for more information.
By His Grace, Pastor Jim
For now you can visit us on our Facebook page.
Check out the EVENTS page and check the calendar link and come be a part of what is happening!
Thank you for stopping by.
My prayer is that you will find a good church home in your area, if that is Emmaus, we would be blessed.
Our service times are:
Sunday School every week at 9:45 AM
Worship Sundays at 10:45 AM and 6 PM
Choir Practice Sundays at 7 PM
Bible Study and Prayer, Wed. at 7 PM
We are located at:
714 Emmaus Church Road.
Dudley NC, 28333
I hope you find a church home, and perhaps that you would find it here.
By His Grace,
Pastor Jim
Love, Serve, Witness
Please send us a note on our contact page if you have come to visit. Thank you and God bless you.